Frequently Asked Questions

What is typical practice time during the season?

-Monday through Thursdays, 4 pm to 6 pm 
-According to the school-We  are allowed to hold practice for up to three hours. However, based on the student's academic workload, the staff and I feel confident that we can shave a hour off to get the players home at a reasonable time.

How to get Cleared?

Watch the Video here!

Is summer practice mandatory?

Yes and no, based on a general lack of experience in the sport we encourage the player to plan to be here for the majority of the summer sessions. We do understand the need for family time so we give 4th of July week and the last week of July completely off. As long as there is communication and a good honest effort from the player, we do our best to work with each individual need.

Is there practice year-round?

There are many phases throughout the year, however, none are mandatory aside from in-season practices. We try to provide opportunities for the team to continue to live a healthy lifestyle and achieve physical goals that they lay out for themselves. Along the way, we also aim to teach players the meaning of prioritization, planning, and overall life skills.

How do I stay up to date with the program including changes to the schedule?

We have numerous ways of pushing information out to families. Based on your preference information can be found via the website, Twitter (@montavistaFB), Instagram (@montavistaFB), by joining our WhatsApp chat, or emailing our committee president @ [email protected]

How can parents/guardians get more involved?

Simple-reach out and let us know what your interested in helping with. We have parent leads who serve to help our various leadership committees or maybe serving on our MV Football Committee, which is a group of parents who help run the administrative related duties regarding the program! There are many ways to help-just reach out!